letter writing

Letter Writing – The Forgotten Art

by Barbara McCalister
as originally published in The Sassafras Literary Exchange Newsletter; vol 1, no 1; January 1987

Writing letters should be an important part of every writer’s life. Since writing is putting your thoughts and ideas on paper, what better way to practice your skills than by communicating with friends and relatives?

Personal letters should be written in your own style, just as though you were speaking to the reader. No, “How are you? I am fine,” if you please. Describe your feelings, the weather, flowers, trees, etc. Use dialogue, a good way to develop your writing skills while sharing yourself to an appreciative reader. Who knows? Someday you may become famous and your letters could then be even more valuable.

Letter writing is, unfortunately, fast becoming a lost art. Take time to write letters; both you and your reader will enjoy them.

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